We all know that the Internet is the fastest growing, human-driven entity that the world has ever seen. The sheer volume of websites that now reside in cyberspace is vast and has grown exponentially just in the last 10 years. In that time, however, the biggest growth has been in ‘social media’.
Most people with an Internet connection have one or more social media accounts. Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest for example are all now well embedded into everyday English and with a new meaning. The same words represent wealth generation beyond compare.
Web Wealth – Top Techs In Real Time
Take Facebook for example. Over 200,000 new posts are published on Facebook about every 30 seconds! If you don’t believe me, check out this fantastic ‘Internet in Real-Time‘ page which covers all the main social media platforms. Watch the stats pile up and be amazed. There is little wonder then why so many website owners want effective internet marketing on their side. Put your website in front of that interactivity, even to relatively small degree, and you have a chance of sharing in that web wealth.